
Knitwear Beyond the Seasons: A Fashionista's Guide by Forever New

There's a timeless beauty in knitwear, an elegance that outshines fleeting trends and evanescent fads. This year, our love for the knitted weave grows deeper. At Forever New, our curated Knitwear collection infuses classic charm with contemporary design, ensuring you're not just stylish but also undeniably chic for the upcoming seasons.

Of Silhouettes and Statements: The Knitted Dresses Affair

Imagine strolling through a winter wonderland, leaves crunching underfoot, the air crisp and invigorating. What’s on you? A knitwear masterpiece. The knitted dresses from Forever New promise not just warmth but an elevated sense of style. Whether it's a snug body-con piece highlighting your silhouette or a flowy A-line dancing to the rhythm of the breeze, our knitted dresses radiate sophistication.

Styling Tip: Pair your knitted dress with ankle-high boots, a statement belt, and layered necklaces. Let the knit do the talking while your accessories play the captivating chorus.

The Top-notch Tale: Revamping Knitted Tops

Beyond dresses, we understand the allure of knitted tops – versatile, stylish, and perfect for almost any occasion. They move effortlessly from the casual coffee date to the sophisticated dinner party. Forever New's collection embraces both the understated and the bold, ensuring your knitwear game is always on point.

Styling Tip: For an effortlessly chic look, pair your knitted top with tailored trousers or a pencil skirt. Add stiletto heels and a statement clutch, and you're ready to conquer any room.

Where to Wear: A Tapestry of Style

Our knitwear collection, with its delicate weaves and sophisticated designs, is versatile, making it an ideal choice for a variety of occasions.

Casual Day Out: Chic Comfort
Whether it’s a leisurely brunch or a casual day out exploring, our knitted tops are the epitome of chic comfort. They harmoniously blend understated elegance with casual charm, making them the ideal companion for your daytime endeavours.

Styling Tip: Pair it with casual denim or comfortable trousers, and don’t forget those sunglasses for that touch of daytime chic.

Workplace Elegance: Sophisticated Style
In the professional realm where sophistication and style converge, our knitwear collection stands as a testament to refined elegance. Whether it’s a crucial meeting or a casual day at the office, these pieces promise a polished look.

Styling Tip: Complete your professional look with a pair of tailored trousers, a structured handbag, and some subtle jewellery for that touch of refined elegance.

Weekend Getaways: Stylish Escape
For those weekends away from the hustle and bustle, our knitwear collection is your stylish companion. The soft weaves and elegant designs promise comfort and style, making them a perfect choice for your getaway wardrobe.

Styling Tip: A pair of comfortable mules and a backpack complete the look, merging comfort with style for your stylish escape.

Knitwear and the Seasons: An Everlasting Love Story

While knitwear often resonates with cosy winter evenings, we believe it's a style that surpasses seasons. Whether it's the cool spring evening or the slightly nippy autumn morning, a well-curated knitwear ensemble ensures you're not just prepared but turning heads wherever you go.


Join the Knitwear Renaissance with Forever New

This year, we beckon you to a fashion journey like no other – to explore the textured terrains of knits and weaves, to rediscover elegance, and to make every moment, every occasion, and every season a testament to your impeccable style.

With our ever-evolving knitwear collection, we promise – your fashion narrative will be nothing short of legendary. After all, at Forever New, we don’t just create clothing; we craft memories. So, embrace the knit weave of your story.